This may be silly, but I was feeling extremely low and struggling with self-worth, so I decided to do some affirmations in my art. Maybe it can help someone else feel better too.
Here is my little dog Pancho sleeping on the couch. I was very loose and not controlled when I did the line drawing, and it turned out much better than the drawing I did before, where I tried to be precise and perfect. I struggle to let go of my controlling tendencies. So, I painted it lightly in acrylics. You know me, I love color.
Here is one quick rendition of a delicious cherry pie and cherry soda that I enjoyed while visiting Mt. Horeb. We ate lunch at a restaurant that was in a Victorian house. We sat outside on the porch and ate our dessert first. I like doing that. Don't save the good stuff for later. Eat dessert first. Lately, I've been thinking about where I'd like to display my art. This would fall under the category of kitchen art.